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“Knowledge” and “Planning with Vision” are the “Soul” of Any Activity, be it Social or Economic.... Any Individual or Business Unit, if it wants to Succeed is required to Set Short Term & Long Term Goals and accordingly is required to Plan and Execute Path to Achieve “Set Goals”...
For Setting the Path, One has to Continuously Evaluate Various Options to Time the “Best Path” for Achieving its Goals... For Evaluating Any Opportunity, One has to have Experience and Knowledge about Pros & Cons of Every Available Option....
At HBSK, we emphasis on Understanding Individual Goals, Family Investment Philosophy, its Risk-Return Appetite, Financial Requirements, Liquidity Planning, Medical Cover, Education & Household Requirements and then, advise about the Balanced Optimum Financial Planning.
For Corporate Clients, we analyse Business Dynamics, Product Cycles, Working Capital requirements, Fund Flows, Fund Raising Options, Cost of Fund Raising and then in Consultation with Financiers provide the Financial Solutions to Clients. For Individual & Corporates we also provide Advise on Setting Effective Accounting & Tax Planning Systems.
We also Provide Software Development, Web Designing, Web Developing, Graphic Designing, Commercial Photography and Data Entry Solutions with our Unique Touch.
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